Membership Checkout

Membership Level

You have selected the Full Member membership level.

Please, submit and confirm to maintain your Membership and enjoy obtain access to Members-only benefits

The price for membership is $0.00 now.

Membership expires after 5 Years.

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Verified Membership statement

I certify that I have contributed to the PHM Society in one or more of the following ways:
  • Attended any PHM Society conference event (e.g. North American, Asian-Pacific or European)
  • Co-authored a paper to the International Journal of PHM (IJPHM) or served / am serving as an IJPHM Reviewer
  • Participated in a PHM Society Data Challenge
  • Volunteered in any past or current PHM Society event or initiative
This attestation gives me access to PHM Society Members-only benefits for a 5-year period provided I remain a member in good standing.