Bios and Descriptions of PHM Society Contributors
Individual Contributors
Dr. Neil Eklund (2024 Scott Clements MVP Awardee)
Dr. Neil Eklund is one of the founders of the PHM Society, and has been a Board member and served on the conference organizing committee in various roles ever since. He has given his Analytics for PHM short course to over 200 students, including custom courses for the US Army and Navy. Additionally, he regularly delivers tutorials at the conference, from fundamental topics like Diagnostics and Anomaly Detection, to advanced applications like LLMs and Multimodal AI for PHM: The Future of Maintenance Intelligence. Neil has organized workshops focused on Battery Management Systems, Wind Energy, and Deep Learning for Industrial Analytics. He served as the guest editor for the Big Data and Advanced Analytics in PHM (2016) and PHM Applications of Deep Learning and Emerging Analytics (2019) special editions of International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management. Professionally, Dr. Eklund has been focused on industrial applications of AI for over 25 years at GE Research, Schlumberger, Xerox PARC, and most recently in consulting at Oak Grove Analytics.
Dave Larsen (2022 Scott Clements MVP Awardee)
Dave Larsen has been active in the PHM Society for almost 10 years, including Aerospace Sector Lead, member of the Board of Directors, and General Co-Chair of the US Conference a record 5 times, including 2022. In 2020 & 2021 Dave successfully chaired the Society’s first virtual conferences. Professionally, Dave is a PHM Technical Fellow at Collins Aerospace, where he helps to author Collins’ PHM standard practices, leads design and development of PHM-enabling systems and components, and is also Dean of the Collins Technical University Systems College. Dave is the former Program Chief Engineer for Collins (Goodrich) HUMS systems.
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Abhinav Saxena (2021 Scott Clements MVP Awardee)
Dr. Abhinav Saxena has been a major force and an active participant of the PHM Society in various roles. This year, he serves once again as the Technical Chair of the PHM Conference . He has been the Editor-/Co-Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal for Prognostics and Health Management (IJPHM) since its inception almost 10 years ago while he took the journal from a fledgling entity to a well-established, reputable, and Clarivate-indexed international journal that is the de facto “go to” publication outlet for PHM practitioners. He has also participated in numerous PHM Society educational activities. Abhinav was elevated to Fellow of the PHM Society in 2017. In his professional life, Abhinav is a Principal Scientist at GE Global Research where he specializes in Machine Learning as applied to PHM solutions for industrial systems. Abhinav is also an adjunct professor in the Division of Operation & Maintenance Engineering at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. Prior to GE, Abhinav was a Research Scientist with SGT Inc. and at NASA Ames Research Center for over seven years where he focused on advancing prognostics models and algorithms.
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Wolfgang Fink (Inaugural Scott Clements MVP Awardee)
Starting in 2018, leading up to the PHM Conference in 2019, and in the post hoc year 2020, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Fink has served the PHM Society in several ways and on several levels. He led as Guest-Editor the first ever Special Issue on “PHM for Human Health & Performance” for the International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management (IJPHM). He was instrumental in achieving the listing of IJPHM in Clarivate’s Web of Science Core Collection in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), thereby finally putting IJPHM on the radar screen worldwide. Dr. Fink helped organize the first ever “PHM for Precision Agriculture” Panel at PHM 2019, and established and led the Panel on “PHM for Human Health & Performance” over the last several years. Moreover, he helped solicit the ongoing Special Issues on “PHM for Human Health & Performance II” (Lockhart et al. as Guest Editors) and “PHM on Blockchains” (Gulati et al. as Guest Editors) following the PHM 2019 Conference. On the PHM Society leadership level, Dr. Fink has been a member of the Fellow and Lifetime Achievement awards committee for 2019 and 2020; he has been the Sector Lead for “PHM for Human Health & Performance”; and, as of 2020, Dr. Fink is one of 9 Executive Committee members of the Board of Directors.
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Brian Weiss
Brian Weiss has been selected as the 2019 PHM Society Individual Contributor of the year for his continuous and insightful support of the society’s endeavors over the last several years. These significant efforts have included co-chairing the very successful PHM Society 2018 Annual Conference in Philadelphia and organizing panel sessions and workshops focused on new Smart Manufacturing-related initiatives. Though his principle responsibilities are with NIST, Brian has formulated and initiated several efforts that directly support PHM Society efforts associated with standards and manufacturing technologies. These include: creating and helping steer a new ASME Standards Sub-committee on Advanced Diagnostics & Prognostics for Manufacturing Operations; collaborating on a NIST pilot project to develop test methods that assess degradation of manufacturing robotics; and leading an effort to test methods to V+V advanced PHM capabilities for manufacturing. Though these and other efforts, Brian has truly helped advance PHM Society endeavors.
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Karl Reichard
Dr. Karl M. Reichard is an Associate Research Professor with the Applied Research Laboratory and the Graduate Program in Acoustics at Penn State University. He is also the head of the Applied Research Laboratory’s Embedded Monitoring and Control Systems Department. The department conducts research and develops systems for the monitoring, diagnosis and prediction of health and status in mechanical and electrical systems. Dr. Reichard received the Ph.D., M.S. and B.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech). He has over 30 years of experience in the design and development of advanced systems for sensing, prognostic health management, acoustic surveillance and detection, active noise and vibration control, and robotics. Dr. Reichard is a member of the Board of Directors of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, and a member of the IEEE and the Acoustical Society of America. He is the author of over 50 papers and articles published in journals and conference proceedings. He teaches courses in digital signal processing, active sound and vibration control, signal analysis, and prognostic health management.
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Anibal Bregon
Dr. Anibal Bregon is an Associate Professor and Research Assistant in Computer Science with the Department of Computer Science, University of Valladolid, Spain. Dr. Bregon received his B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the University of Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain, in 2005, 2007, and 2010, respectively. He has carried out both basic and applied research in the areas of fault diagnosis and prognosis for aerospace and industrial systems, has co-authored more than 80 peer-reviewed papers, and has participated on several funded projects on fault diagnosis and prognosis topics, and on big data analytics. Dr. Bregon has been a guest researcher with the Intelligent Systems Division at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, USA, with the Institute for Software Integrated Systems, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA, and with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweden. His current research interests include model-based reasoning for diagnosis and prognosis, health-management, Big Data and Industry 4.0. Dr. Bregon is a member of the Prognostics and Health Management Society and the IEEE. Among various other professional activities, he has held different chair positions at the PHM and PHME conferences and has been the Local Chair of the 2016 European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society.
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Organizational Contributors
Northrop Grumman
This award is in appreciation for Northrop Grumman’s 14 years of dedication to the PHM Society. Northrop Grumman is a technology company, focused on global security and human discovery. Their pioneering solutions equip customers with capabilities they need to connect, advance, and protect the U.S. and its allies, as well as being a leader in defining possible for the next generation of space exploration. Northrop’s has been continually collaborating and supporting the PHM Society and the Society looks forward
to many years of their continued collaboration and support. Accepting the award on behalf of Northrop Grumman is Derek DeVries.
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Collins Airspace
Collins Aerospace is recognized as the “PHM Society Organization of the Year” for their continued support of the annual conference and important PHM Society endeavors for over 13 years. This support includes Platinum Level Sponsorship for the past 5 years and again in 2022. Several Collins’ employees have continuously supported the annual conference by serving on the conference management team, attending North American, European, and Asia-Pacific conferences, and participating in short courses. In addition, several Collins’ employees have served in various key PHM Society executive leadership and numerous committee and chair roles. The PHM Society has grown and thrived because of this type of consistant support and contributions. The Board of Directors appreciates the support of all of our valuable sponsors and recognizes Collins’ Aerospace as the Organization of the Year for 2021.
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Starting from the PC gaming market, NVIDIA, as a world leader, has redefined modern computer graphics, revolutionized parallel computing, and, more recently, has ignited modern AI – the next era of computing – through deep learning. All of this has been made possible through the invention of Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). NVIDIA technology affects many core fields of PHM by accelerating existing and future PHM-related research & development efforts and associated applications. As such, NVIDIA has become a partner and sponsor of strategic importance to the PHM Society.
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SAE International
SAE International was selected as the 2019 Organizational Contributor of the Year. SAE has been working diligently this past year to increase synergy with the PHM Society through multiple initiatives including a new Memorandum of Understanding in which the two organizations share resources with each other for the mutual benefit of their respective members. Also, along with its Industry Trade Consortia arm (ITC), SAE has been a sponsor and contributor to the annual PHM Conference through exhibits as well as product and technology showcase participation.
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United Technologies Aerospace Systems
UTC Aerospace Systems is one of the world’s largest suppliers of technologically advanced aerospace and defense products. UTC Aerospace Systems was formed in 2012 by combining two industry leaders, Hamilton Sundstrand and Goodrich. They design, manufacture and service systems and components and provide integrated solutions for commercial, regional, business and military aircraft, helicopters and other platforms, including being a major supplier to international space programs. Customers include original equipment manufacturers that build aircraft and helicopters, engine manufacturers, and airlines, as well as defense agencies and contractors.
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NASA Prognostics Center of Excellence
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has a decades-long history in fielding health management solutions in its space vehicles. Additionally, there are now several major research efforts under way to advance the state of the art in PHM for both aeronautics as well as space applications. For a sampling of research on prognostics, see
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