PHM Data Challenge details and deadlines

Details on how the competition will be scored are here: We have also pushed back the deadlines considerably: 2-Aug-10 Leaderboard open 31-Aug-10 Final submissions due 02-Sep-10 Provisional winners announced, invitation to submit paper 05-Sep-10 Confirmation of willingness to present and publish FULL algorithm in IJPHM 06-Sep-10 Winners announced 01-Oct-10 Papers due to IJPHM 10-Oct-10 PHM 10 Starts…

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2011 IEEE Aerospace Conference

Long before the PHM Society was established, researchers and practitioners in the nascent field of PHM got together at the IEEE Aerospace Conference every year. For years, the Diagnostics, Prognostics, and Health Management track (Track 11) served as the premier venue for publishing PHM papers and interacting with PHM colleagues in a casual setting. The PHM…

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submission deadline extended to June 7

Due to numerous requests for the extension of the deadline, we have extended the submission deadline for the Annual Conference of the PHM Society 2010 to June 7 Monday. We will not extend the deadline beyond that date. If you have already submitted a draft, please send your final paper to the Technical Program Committee by June 7. If…

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Doctoral Symposium at PHM’10

In San Diego, we had a very successful Doctoral Consortium with 13 student participants. In Portland, we will continue the Doctoral Consortium tradition. The Doctoral Consortium provide an opportunity for graduate students to present their research interests and plans at a formative stage in their research. The students receive structured guidance from a panel of distinguished researchers as well as…

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Hardware Demonstrations at PHM’10

The PHM Society invites participants to show off their diagnostic and prognostic engineering approaches through hardware demonstrations. The concept of the hardware demonstrations is to offer a hands-on learning experience for attendees. Demonstrations will be given as hands-on tutorials to small groups. Each tutorial will last for approximately 30 minutes where attendees will be allowed to ask questions. As an…

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