Call for Technology Demonstration

The PHM Society invites participants to show off their diagnostic and prognostic engineering approaches through PHM technology demonstrations. The concept of the demonstrations is to offer a true “hands-on” learning experience for attendees. Multiple demonstrations will be given as brief tutorials to small groups over a two-day period. Each demo will last for approximately 30 minutes, where attendees will be encouraged to actively participate.

Demonstration Chairs
James Larkin,
Mike Usrey,
Laurel Frediani

Demonstration Selection Process

Some potential demonstration topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Certification and Validation Techniques for Health Management Applications
  • Fielded Prognostic or Advanced Diagnostic Systems
  • Innovative System Maintenance Approaches
  • Rapid Aging Testing and Analysis Techniques
  • Sensors and Sensor Integration for Health Management
  • System Identification Processes to Support Health Management Goals

Interested demonstrators should submit a brief (one or two page) proposal of their proposed PHM technology demonstration, including:

  • Demonstration description
  • Methods of attendee interaction expected (the more, the better)
  • Educational value
  • Demo requirements (tables, projector/screen, audio, etc.)
  • Storage needs

We plan to select six proposals, where each demo is presented twice.

NOTE: Demonstration hardware, software, concepts, material, and data must be cleared for public release.

Please submit proposals and questions to the co-chairs listed above by 10 June, 2016.